EmoG live at Blitz; courtesy of Tjære and Lil Snus themselves


EmoG – AIDSVOLD 5/6Karakter 5
Focusing on themes that revolve around discontent towards the Norwegian drug laws and an act of revolt against authorities, the Sandvika/Finnmark-based hardcore/thrash/rap unit EmoG is back with their sophomore full-length album entitled AIDSVOLD.

Consisting of Tjære and Lil Snus, the duo EmoG has previously released a full-length entitled NikotinTapen, which has more inclination towards themes surrounding anti-capitalism, anarchist spirit, and chaos. On NikotinTapen, they presented a branding that appears to be vocal about battling against bogus-ravaged mass-produced capitalist systems in the music industry.

This time, the lyrical themes they present on AIDSVOLD tend to lean more on the discourse regarding how the Norwegian drug laws have no mercy towards those who struggle with drug-related issues, and how rarely it is discussed as a theme in the Norwegian music scene– except in the party music scene which doesn’t align with their values.

EmoG live at Blitz; courtesy of Tjære and Lil Snus themselves
A homage dedicated towards many references

As the end result, they also excerpted references of their musical influences on the whole album– either through lyrics or samples.

Since they incorporate elements of rap, thrash, and hardcore with all-around aggressive distortions, surely they take inspirations from big names with sonically similar undertones too, such as Bad Brains, Germs and GG Allin. This album is also their attempt at paying homage to their biggest influences, some of the names mentioned earlier included. As the end result, they also excerpted references of their musical influences on the whole album– either through lyrics or samples.

It’s always interesting to see convergences between two or more different subgenres, including combining elements of hardcore, thrash, and rap. While the vocals have the characteristics of rap, the instrumentals are sometimes heavily distorted, with a lot of thrashings involved too.

EmoG live at Blitz; courtesy of Tjære and Lil Snus themselves
All-around consistent character against the status quo

Although their branding and core themes are quite different compared to the one they presented on their first album, it is still apparent and discernible that they have been consistent in showing a character that is ungovernable, and heavily inclined towards quarreling against the status quo and institutionalized, systemic oppression. AIDSVOLD may not be the kind of album that everyone would understand, as EmoG themselves have said that “this [music] is not for everyone and it’s not supposed to be either”— yet it would leave long-lasting marks on the hearts of the listeners who agree that it is truly over-sensationalized in Norway to blindly follow the authorities.

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