Det amerikanske indiepopbandet Wild Child slapp i dag singlene Alex/Break You Down. To fine låter som gjør en kald vinterkveld litt varmere.
Wild Child er et syvmanns miniorkester som bruker instrumentene cello, ukulele, fiolin, trompet og trombone. Ikke rart det blir fint når disse instrumentene arrangeres. 9. februar slippes albumet «Expectations».
Alexander Beggins og Kelsey Wilson har følgende å si om Alex.
My niece Avery joined us and was giving Alexander a “pump up” speech.
KELSEY: «Song written for Alex, by Alex, titled Alex. We wanted it to be a feel good/groovy tune that would get you out of your head when you are feeling down about yourself. That day in the studio my niece Avery joined us and was giving Alexander a “pump up” speech herself so we added her magical advice to the beginning of the song and loved it so much we wanted to start the whole record that way».
ALEXANDER: «This song tries to capture the inner dialogue you have with yourself when you’re going through something heavy. When your mind turns a mile a minute trying to figure out what is best to do. At the time, I was living with my girlfriend who had recently ended things only to take it back shortly there after. If you ever find yourself in this situation you’ll probably find that you have a new grab bag full of self doubt, self worth, and trust issues. In «Alex» we tried to make a song that explores those feelings but blanketed in tune that feels fun loving, playful and loose.
That moment when you realize life is a bitch and you can kind of just have a laugh about it.
That moment when you realize life is a bitch and you can kind of just have a laugh about it. The song all came together in the studio one day when Kelsey was watching her niece Avery. The kid is 3 and already an absolute rockstar. She has her own band called Pancake that I’m sure you’ll be hearing about in the coming years but that’s a different story. Anyway, we wanted her to scream «Alex don’t think that way» but she just wouldn’t do it. We probably spent a good hour with a microphone in her face trying to get her to say the five words but she just wasn’t in the mood that day. I think Kelsey finally bribed her with a delicious treat and finally got it out of her. Once we dropped it in the song we knew it would be the perfect way to start the record».
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